March 4, 2024
Domino's Pizza Japan Inc.
We deeply apologize for any discomfort and inconvenience caused by the misconduct of two Domino's Pizza Amagasaki Store employees (already dismissed) that was spread through social media on February 12, 2024.
The Domino's Pizza Amagasaki Store has ceased operations since February 12, where the store has been thoroughly cleaned by an external party and the employees have gone through re-training since then.
The employees involved in the incident have been strictly punished in accordance with employment regulations. In addition, we are considering legal action towards the individuals involved.
The Domino's Pizza Amagasaki store will resume operations on March 4, 2024.
We deeply apologize once again to our customers for any discomfort and inconvenience caused.
Domino’s Pizza Japan will make network-wide efforts from here to enforce preventive measures and recover trust from our customers and partners.
We look forward to your continued patronage.
Domino's Pizza Japan
Febrary 14, 2024
Domino's Pizza Japan Inc.
We would like to thank you for your continued patronage.
We would like to report on the progress of our internal investigation and response to the inappropriate behaviour by two (now former employees), which was spread on social networking services on 12 February 2024.
The incident was found to have been filmed by two part-time employees of the Amagasaki store in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, at around 2am on 12 February 2024, after business hours had ended, in the store.
The dough used in the video was at a stage before fermentation was completed, and we have confirmed that it had not yet been used, as there is a process of fermentation for 24 hours after this. The dough in question was disposed of before use. In addition, all dough in the store has been disposed of. Furthermore, the store in question has ceased operations as of 12 February.
The employees involved in the incident will be strictly punished in accordance with the employment regulations. In addition, we would like to inform you that strict legal action is under consideration.
We would like to express our deepest apologies to our customers for any discomfort and inconvenience caused. From now on, the entire company will do its utmost to prevent a recurrence and restore trust.
A third party vendor will provide thorough cleaning of the store and Amagasaki store will cease operations until all crew members will be re-educated.
August 1, 2023
Domino's Pizza Japan Inc.
Thank you very much for your continued support.
To eliminate consumer misperceptions, we hereby inform you of the following, in accordance with the Consumers Affairs Agency's orders for action (issued June 27, 2023) pursuant to Article 7, Paragraph 1 of the Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations (hereinafter referred to as the "Act")
We sincerely apologize to our customers and all other concerned parties for any inconvenience and concern this may have caused.
In selling products including pizzas (hereinafter referred to as the "cuisine") to consumers at "Domino's Pizza" stores, we were displaying as if consumers could receive the cuisine at the price displayed on the flyer distributed in stores, posted to residences and inserted in daily newspapers which were distributed from October 3 2022 to April 23 2023, or at the price where a coupon discount was applied from the price shown on the flyer (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "displayed price"). For example, flyers displayed the following regarding one of our cuisines, the "American": “Carry out Hangaku (half price) Ⓜ¥950 (including tax) Ⓡ¥1249 (including tax) Ⓛ¥1550 (including tax)" and "Delivery Ⓜ¥1900 (including tax) Ⓡ¥2499 (including tax) Ⓛ¥3100 (including tax)". However, if consumers ordered this dish during the period from October 3, 2022 to April 23, 2023 (excluding orders placed by telephone or in stores during October 3 to November 6, 2023 and from December 23, 2022 to April 23, 2023), a service fee, calculated as 4%, 6% or 7% of the displayed price of the cuisine with 299 yen being the upper limit, would be added on to the subtotal. These representations were in violation of the Act, as they misled general consumers into believing that the terms and conditions of the cuisine in question were significantly more favorable to the party involved in the transaction than they were.
We take the orders for action solemnly and seriously, and as a measure to prevent recurrence, we will further strengthen our system for checking labeling, including the regulations by the Act, through more thorough employee training and internal screening prior to publication.
The service fee was abolished as of April 24, 2023, and is not charged on items currently on sale.
We appreciate your continued support and understanding.
<For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact>
Customer Call Center: 0120-838-204
Hours: 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
You can also call from a mobile phone.
News Releases Regarding the Above from Domino’s Pizza Japan
June 27, 2023
Domino's Pizza Japan Inc.
Today, we received an order from the Consumer Affairs Agency to take measures based on Article 7(1) of the Act on Prevention of Unjustifiable Premiums and Unfair Labeling (the Premiums and Representations Act) pursuant to Article 5(2) of the Act on Prevention of Unfair Premiums and Unfair Labeling on the fact that it was difficult to understand that service fees were charged for the labeling of product prices in the fliers (hereinafter, “fliers”) we distributed during the period of October 3, 2022 to April 23, 2023 distributed at stores, postings to houses, inserts in newspaper.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and concern we have caused to our customers with our misleading labeling.
The service fee has been discontinued on April 24, 2023 and therefore the current menu will not be subject to this.
1. Outline of the Orders for Action
(1) In regard to the labeling concerning the food and beverages, the following matters shall be promptly communicated to consumers in general.
a. The flyer provided an impression as if customers were able to receive the food and beverages at the price indicated on the flier or at the discounted price with the coupon, but in fact, if you ordered the food and beverages between October 3, 2022 and April 23, 2023 (except for orders placed over the phone or in-store between October 3, 2022 and November 6, 2022 and December 23, 2022 to April 23, 2023), consumers would have to pay an additional charge of 6% or 7% of the total order with 299 yen as the upper limit.
b. The above representation is in violation of the Premiums and Misleading Representations Act and is misleading to consumers that the terms and conditions of the transaction for the food and beverages are significantly more favorable than the actual transaction amount.
(2) In the future, the company must take necessary measures to prevent similar labeling from occurring in regarding the transaction of food and beverages of the same kind and must ensure that all officers and employees of the company are fully aware of such measures.
(3) In the future, regarding the transaction of food and beverages of the same kind, similar labeling shall not be made to mislead general consumers that the terms and conditions of the transaction are significantly more favorable to the counterparty of the transaction than the actual conditions.
2. Preventive Measures
We take the orders of action solemnly and sincerely, and we will strive to prevent a recurrence by further strengthening our system to check labeling against acts such as the Premiums and Representations Act, by taking acts such as having through employee training and in-house screening prior to publication.
May 18, 2023
Domino's Pizza Japan Inc.
Thank you for your continuous support.
We have decided to entrust the decision of wearing masks at the stores and office according to the employees individual decision.
This is based on the decision made by the Japanese government to downgrade Covid to “Common infectious disease”.
* The response will be different according to the store.
We will continue to respond on infection prevention in order to protect our customers and employees.
February 20 2023
Domino's Pizza Japan Inc.
Thank you for your continuous support.
We have been informed that our employees working at the Domino's Pizza Japan has tested positive for COVID-19th.
From the viewpoint of preventing infection spread, we will be taking the following actions:
・We are currently investigating close contacts and confirming necessary actions in consultation with the local Health Dept.
・The employee in question has been under medical treatment under instruction by the Health Dept. We will also be investigating the employees of the stores in question and close contacts, and the relevant employees will be staying home for at least 5 days and we will monitor the health condition of the relevant employee.
This employee has not been to work after the store have been disinfected. If it is confirmed that a customer was in close contact, we will contact them as necessary.
・The store in question has been disinfected and we have been able to secure its safety.
Domino's Pizza Japan will continue to prioritize the safety of our customers and employees and follow the announcements by the government and instructions of authorities, and will take the necessary measures to prevent the spread of infection.
We apologize for the inconvenience we are causing to our customers and ask for your understanding and cooperation.